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Our History


Paul Revere No. 130

  Paul Revere No. 130 was formed from the gradual consolidation of five different lodges; Arapahoe No. 130, Arvada No. 130 & 141, Paul Revere No. 162, and Westminster No. 176. We proudly practice Masonry with a unique lodge identity, while celebrating the history of our heritage lodges.

  In late 2008 the Worshipful Master Michael Taylor of Westminster Lodge and Worshipful Master Dana Fairchild of Arvada Lodge discussed a possible consolidation between both lodges. Arvada lodge was meeting at Westminster Masonic Center after the sell of their building in Arvada.

  While both lodges were meeting regularly at their stated meeting times, Westminster lodge was starting to suffer the effects of an aging membership and participation. A discussion was brought up in a stated meeting at a Westminster lodge meeting to think about the possibilities in closing the lodge or consolidating with another lodge, and after much discussion it became clear that merging with Arvada Lodge would be the best opportunity.


  Having both lodges merge would keep Freemasonry strong in the Northside of Denver metro area and by keeping our members close to the building for future meetings. In the several meetings that followed much discussion would happen in the naming and traditions of each lodges. We decided to not become a directional name for the new lodge, which we decided to reuse one of our past lodge names Paul Revere. So Paul Revere Lodge No. 130 was born and charted in January 24, 2009.

  In 2025 on February 10th the Westminster Masonic Center was sold and Paul Revere Lodge moved to Highlands Masonic Temple. 

  Our lodge motto is "Freemasonry in Action!"

  A new lodge seal, verbiage, and pin was designed and approved for the new lodge identity, our Worshipful Brother Aaron Klostermeyer presented this symbolism and description of the new seal and pin. 

  "The pin is silver in color, which alludes to Most Worshipful Brother Paul Revere's trade as a silversmith, and it bears the image of the lodge's seal in blue, which alludes to Blue Lodge Masonry. It consists of a figure in colonial garb, riding a horse at full gallop towards the square and compasses, which are seemingly suspended in the sky before him. The galloping rider, of course, represents Paul Revere and his famous "midnight ride," but, it also evokes Freemasonry in action. While the square and compasses, which appear to guide the rider onward and light his way, reminds us of the guiding light of our Masonic principals which lead us forward on a path of right action and constant self-improvement."

  Worshipful Bro. Aaron Klostermeyer, 2012

Arapahoe No. 130

  On March 18, 1908, three men met at a recorded meeting to discuss, formulate and adopt definite plans for the organization of still another new lodge. To provide assurance for their intent, the three interviewed other Masons as to the desirability and correctness of the plans.


 Consequently, a larger group met March 30, 1908 and ultimately agreed to apply for a dispensation from the Grand Lodge. The prayer of their petition was granted on May 18, 1908 as M.W. Brother Joseph A. Davis issued his dispensation on the written application of 22 Masons.

Arapahoe 130 Seal_1494x1374_edited.png

  The first meeting was held on May 20, 1908 in the Masonic Temple, 16th and Welton Streets.

  On September 21, 1908 a charter was issued and on the following night the lodge was constituted by M.W. Brother John B. Haffy. There were 45 charter members. On November 30, 1960 there were 587 members.

  In 1926 the lodge moved to Colorado Consistory temple at 14th and Grant Street.

The seal of the lodge is composed of two parts, the device and the inscription. The device consists of a representation of the sun with its eight sacred points, the letter G in the center; the whole expressive of God's protective power extending to all parts of the world. In the foreground on the sinister side, sits an American Indian gazing out over the trail of the Holy Faith, along which has come the message of Brotherly Love.

  The name "Arapahoe" selected as a suitable name for the lodge is peculiarly significant as it perpetuates the name of an almost extinct and ordinarily peaceful tribe of Indians which inhabited this particular locality in Colorado prior to the foundation of the City of Denver, at a time when the plains about Denver were unpeopled by white men, and when the Indian, free of life and environment, condition and action, was the reigning spirit. This Indian was cautious, keen and active; his campfire serving as his beacon light, his signal smoke as a shield, and our name Arapahoe commemorates all that was good in his make-up.

Arvada 130 Seal_1494x1375_edited.png
Arvada Lodge 141 Seal_1024x1024_edited.p

Arvada No. 130 and 141


Gathering Information



   When congratulating R.W. Brother George E. Simonton upon his election as Deputy Grand Master of Masons of Colorado in 1911, Albert H. Barth, not then a Mason, expressed the desire that a lodge might be started in Arvada and that he might join. Later he arranged for R.W. Brother Simonton to meet in his home with Brother Walter R. James, a member of an Illinois lodge, to discuss the proposed lodge.

   Resident Masons of Arvada consequently held several meetings but action was slow as most of them were from other jurisdictions and unfamiliar with Colorado work. Brother Fred T. Newton of Union Lodge No 7, Denver, was finally persuaded to spearhead the organization. The first recorded meeting was in Kennedy's Store September 27, 1911.

   Dispensation was obtained March 11, 1912 and Arvada No 141 was chartered September 17 of that year.

   "The Lodge Rooms over Juchem's Store" was the meeting place until 1924. The lodge met in four locations, Barth Hall, the Bank Hall, Wheat Ridge Methodist Church basement, and Lakewood Masonic Temple prior to occupancy of its own new Temple in 1949.

   The original Bible used was one sent to Brother Newton on his twenty-first birthday by his mother in London, England. The Square and Compasses were loaned by Union Lodge No 7. The first marshal's baton was a piece of three-eights inch nickel pipe with a cap on each end. Lecture charts were used until 1916 when they were replaced by lantern slides. Later they were loaned to Edgewater No 159 and Hudson No 160.

Membership in 1960 – 588

Paul Rever No. 162

 Until 1925 there were only three Masonic Lodges in the North Denver area, and a growing need was frequently expressed for an additional Lodge in this community.

  On February 8, 1925, Brother Walter E. Tufford, Secretary of Berkeley Lodge No 134, invited Brothers Blakely, Aldrich and Harvey B. Anderton to his home for the purpose of discussing tentative plans for the formation of a Masonic Club As a result, a petition for a new Lodge under dispensation, signed by fifty-two Master Masons, was submitted to Grand Secretary William W. Cooper on May 7, 1925 and granted by Grand Master William N. Vaile on May 16, 1925 with Brother Arthur E. Aldrich as Worshipful Master.

Paul Revere 162 Seal_1302x1567_edited.png

  The first meeting of Paul Revere Lodge U.D. was held in Highlands Masonic Temple on May 20, 1925, and on June 3, 1925, the first third degree was conferred on James A. Owenby. During the months of May, June, July and August, 1925, twenty-six petitions were received.

  On August 19, 1925, stock was purchased in the Highlands Masonic Temple Association, so that Paul Revere Lodge might share part ownership in its future Masonic Home.

  August 25, 1925 was the last regular communication of Paul Revere Lodge U.D. as a charter had been granted to Paul Revere Lodge No 162 and on September 29, 1925, it was consecrated, dedicated and constituted by Grand Master Frank G. Mirick with Arthur E. Aldrich as Worshipful Master.

  The first meeting of Paul Revere Lodge No 162, under its charter, was held on October 7, 1925. The first Past Master's Night was on April 29, 1926.

  A new set of officers' jewels, purchased by the first officers of the Lodge, was presented on May 19, 1926.

  The first lodge picnic was held July 11, 1926 at Shadow Mountain. A ladies night was celebrated on April 17, 1926.

  Paul Revere Lodge officers and members were quite active in these early days on the Fitzsimons Hospital Committee.

  The record of the Grand Lodge as of November 30, 1960, gives the membership of Paul Revere No 162 as 1,043.

Westminster Lodge 176 Seal_1024x1024_edited.png
Westminster No. 176

  In the fall of 1948 several operative masons were employed in the construction of a building at Dillion, Colorado.

  On a certain evening, as they were returning from a visit to the Lodge at Breckenridge, Brothers Ivyl R. McCormack and C. Burton Folsom discussed the possibility of there being a Lodge of Masons set to work at Westminster, Colorado

  Returning to Westminster, later in the year, these two Brothers began compiling a list of those, residing in the town, whom they knew to be Master Masons. When completed, the list was handed to Brothers John W. Tee and Howard M. Sears, for any additions they might be able to make.

  Brother Tee prepared letters to all those on the list asking them to gather at Brother Folsom's residence, Sheridan and 80th, on the evening of May 3rd, 1949, for the purpose of organizing a Masonic Club.


​  On that evening eighteen brothers assembled and were found to be true and lawful Master Masons, after strict examination of lawful information, they then proceeded with the organization of the "Westminster Brother Masons" and elected Brother Thomas J. Harrison as their chairman.


​  Numerous meetings were held during the year. Requirements of the Grand Lodge of Colorado were discussed, and the petition, for dispensation was drawn up. Some of the brothers began preparing for the proficiency examinations, while others set about assembling the necessary paraphenalia. Some social gatherings were held, for the purpose of becoming acquainted.

  On October 18th, 1949, Brother Harrison resigned from the chairmanship of the group and brother William J. Morris was elected to this post. The winter was spent in the studying of Masonic teachings.

  On March 6th, 1951, an election was held for the purpose of selection of officers to fill the stations in the event a dispensation was granted by the Grand Lodge, the following Brothers were selected to fill the stations indicated:

C. Burton Folsom- Worshipful Master
L. W. Gilley- Senior Warden
Elmer K. Hoover- Junior Warden

  These brothers were examined and passed on the degree of Entered Apprentice, on the 20th of March, and on the degree of Fellowcraft, on the 3rd of April.

  On April 11th, 1951 Brother Folsom passed away

Brother Frank I. Ayer, a Past Master of Harmony Lodge was selected to take his place. The officers were examined and found proficient, and a meeting place was selected and approved by the Grand Lodge.

  On the 7th of September, 1951, at 7:30 PM the members of the "Westminster Brother Masons" assembled, in the basement of the Presbyterian Church, for the purpose of receiving their Grand Master.

  Much of the furniture and paraphenalia, in use at the time the Lodge was set to work under dispensation, was made by the Brethren, the alter and pedestals were made by Brother I.R> McCormick. The Candlesticks, square, and compasses were built by Brother McBride. The Officer's jewels were made by Brother Civis and Sorensen. The brazen pillars were the joint product of the labors of Brothers Gilly and McCormick.

   The trestle-board, staff, and some of the staffholders were made by Brother Sears. The ashlars were made by Brother Clarence B. Folsom, Jr. from stone taken from the old Denver City Hall, at 14th Street and Larimer.

  Several of the Brothers wives assisted. Mrs. Harvey G. England made the collars, Mrs. O.F. McNatt made the aprons, and Mrs. John W. Tee did some necessary painting on the outside sign and the "G".

  The Holy Bible, Flag, working tools, small columns, and somme gavels were donated by Harmony Lodge of Denver. The "G" and some of the items needed for degree work were donated by the Edgewater Lodge of Edgewater, Colorado. The Master's gavel was the gift of Worshipful Brother Loos, Master of Edgewater Lodge. A sword was donated by Brother Folsom.

  All of the brothers gave, cheerfullu, of their time in preparation of the meeting place and the proformance of other tasks, without which the Lodge would not have been successfully organized.

  This pubication was given by Clarence B. Folsom Jr. in January, 1952 for the dedication of the Westminster Masonic Center Building in November 1, 1966.

Westminster Masonic Center

   The brethren started construction of the new Westminster Masonic Center to hold their meetings and to offer a place for other fraternal organizations to meet. Westminster Lodge No. 176 of Colorado Masons and Loyalty Chapter No. 145 of the Order of the Eastern Star being the primary tenants.

   Through the years the building has hosted groups such as Folsom Chapter of DeMolay, Bethel #18 and #5 of Job's Daughters, both youth groups in the Masonic Family, Edgewater Court #14 of the Order of Amaranth,  as well as hosting several functions for the fraternity. 

   Today WMC is a staple of the City of Westminster, Colorado. Local politicians, fireman and police officers have been and currently are members of the groups that meet here.  Paul Revere Lodge No. 130 is the current lodge that meets at the building, which Westminster lodge consolidated with in 2009.

The building was dedicated in November 1, 1966  


After 59 years of Masonry the building was sold in February 10, 2025

History of Consolidation

Arapahoe Lodge No. 130 and Arvada Lodge No. 141 were consolidated into Arvada Lodge No. 130 by approval of the Grand Lodge of Colorado in September 1995.

Arvada Lodge No. 130 and Paul Revere Lodge No. 162 were consolidated into Arvada Lodge No. 130 by approval of the Grand Lodge of Colorado in January 2004.

Arvada Lodge No. 130 and Westminster Lodge No. 176 were consolidated into Paul Revere Lodge No. 130 by approval of the Grand Lodge of Colorado in January 2009.

The current consolidated Paul Revere Lodge No. 130 consists of Arapahoe Lodge No. 130, Arvada Lodge No. 141, Paul Revere Lodge No .162, Arvada Lodge No. 130 and Westminster Lodge No. 176. We have been practicing Masonry in Colorado since 1908.





Paul Revere Lodge No. 130

3550 Federal Boulevard

Denver, CO. 80211

Tel: 720-663-7004

"Freemasonry in Action"


1908 - 2025

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